| full stack developer & bot addicted // alessandromaggio | full stack developer & bot addicted // alessandromaggio
Hello, welcome to my site! I'm Alessandro Maggio, a passionate Computer Scientist with a particular interest in coding. I began self-studying programming languages at the age of 14, honing my problem-solving skills over the years. My first significant project was “MSN-Skin-Maker”, developed in VB.Net back in 2010. As technology evolved, I became fascinated with web programming, captivated by the potential to create something accessible to everyone, anytime. I concluded high school by presenting SchoolSocial, a social network built with PHP and JavaScript, aimed at facilitating the exchange of school notes between teachers and students. Regrettably, I lacked the confidence to pursue it further; it could have potentially become what is known as an "electronic register" in Italy.
In 2014, I joined the University of Catania, where I had the opportunity to grow academically and socially. Thanks to the university, I was able to publish my first academic article "The String Matching Algorithms Research Tool" with Professor Simone Faro. I spend my days developing scripts of various kinds to automate operations as much as possible; in fact, I consider myself a "bot enthusiast." During my university studies, I worked as a full-stack developer on two personal projects and as a freelance backend developer for a company based in Malta, specializing in automation and social media. In my free time, I strive to contribute to the open-source community. I completed my university studies with the thesis "TELEGRAM-BOT TO HELP THE ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGS BETWEEN FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES" (WDD-BOT), supervised by Professor Emiliano Tramontana.. I decided to continue my academic journey with a Master's degree in "Network and Security Systems" at the University of Catania.
In my final year of university, I developed a passion for Cybersecurity, particularly CTFs. I trained at CyberChallenge IT and became a CTF player with the UNICT team, also participating in solo CTF events. I completed my university studies in 2021 with the thesis "Vulnerability Assessment e Penetration Testing on instant messaging applications," supervised by Professor Giampaolo Bella and Nando Pappalardo (CEO of YITH).
With the rise of cryptocurrency, I expanded my knowledge and supported a project called DVPN, a decentralized VPN service based on the Cosmos Blockchain. I developed community tools, including SDKs in Python and JavaScript, and currently operate a validator for the chain.
In 2021/22, I worked as a researcher at the University of Catania in the field of Natural Language Processing. In 2022, I joined Sogei (an Italian company managed by the MEF) as a Cyber Security Analyst in the S-CERT team, where I gained in-depth experience in cybersecurity, including cyber event handling, observables, indicators of compromise, and threat intelligence.
I come from a small town in Sicily where Computer Science is perhaps undervalued, which may be why I dream of big cities. I've always believed that to achieve greatness, one must dream big, and that's precisely what I'm doing. I believe I'm on the right path. | full stack developer & bot addicted // alessandromaggio | full stack developer & bot addicted // alessandromaggio
Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference 2016, pages 99--111, 978-80-01-05996-8, 2016. Smart is an open source software which provides a standard framework for re-searchers in string matching. It helps users to test, design, evaluate and under-stand existing solutions for the exact string matching problem. Moreover it provides the implementation of (almost) all string matching algorithms and a wide cor-pus of text buffers.
myStore born from exigence of private client for substitute an old software with complete sets of data. With a long and strong reverse engineering it was possible to create a new software and move all data on cloud.
Cartolibreria Giannetto is a mobile application that allows customers to view their profile sheet and the list of school adoptions
The application allows you to facilitate reservations within a restaurant. Providing a simple and intuitive interface, offering a 360 ° view of current orders to all institutions present, Garçon proves to be an excellent substitute for paper and pen.
This Social Media Management project allow to classificate picture between food and non-food.
The GOAL of GIT-Find-The-Skills is the classification of the committers present in a git repository. Each user may have collaborators differently in a project, in particular he can be a backend, frontend developer, or writer.
Scorebot is a scoring engine for CTF competitions. It is built upon a Blue Team / Red Team model, where Blue Teams defend flags against Red teams. (Blue Teams may also attack other Blue Teams to steal flags). Scoring is based upon flags stolen, scored service up time, and injects submitted (there is no scoring tracking for injects yet).
Scraping users from Telegram groups and invite in another group.
Spam message with multiple Instagram accounts. The accounts are scraped from likers of different target.
Pull request for the open source project instabot. Implement the login flow for emulate human pattern. Fix some POST request data.
This website allows you to generate your self-declaration always updated, and receive it directly on the e-mail or on your smartphone, being able to download and print it.
University project created for the Digital Games Development course. The video game is a simple 2D platformer whose aim is to get the best score and climb the rankings.
Comparative performance analysis between two different DTN Network protocolsL: Epidemic and Prophet. The protocols were implemented through the use of the NS-3 Network Simulator software and then the performances were analyzed through precise simulations.
University project for improve the knowledge in AWS and Microservices. The idea of the project It's to use the machine learning techniques for game recognition in live to automate the change of game category and title on Twitch. The main goal of the porject as I already said It's to create a multiple microservices and manage as container with the AWS Services, that's why we have AWS Bucker for hosting the frontend, 3 Lambda function for talk with the Twitch API, a Dynamo DB for store data and trigger lambda function, another Bucket for store the live screenshot, multiple container for the rest-api (developed in NodeJS and Python) and so on.
This web application was developed for help the commercial business to manage their reservations. The owner must be follow the setup section and deploy on own server. After that the admins can be manage all the reservations and the customers can create a new user and ask for new / manage appointment.
Multiple pull request for the open source project GramAddict. Implement multiple main functionality: Collect more data for each session and filtering, interact by location/place, blacklist and mandatory words in filters, likes from urls, watch stories.
A simple script that will watch a stream for you and earn the channel points. It can wait for a streamer to go live (+450 points when the stream starts), it will automatically click the bonus button (+50 points), and it will follow raids (+250 points). In this update the scipt is also able to do predictions and place bet.
Dashboard for manage & spawn dvpn-node. It's use ssh connection in order to send bash command to the server and manage the docker container. The dashboard provide a toml parser/managament. | full stack developer & bot addicted // alessandromaggio